Join a community

Join a Garden Management community that reflects your personal area of professional interest(s). You can join as many Communities as you’d like.

Specialties and Communities provide automatically updated Professional Development Events and Library Resources in monthly Newsletters and on your Member Dashboard. Login using this link or from the Home Page before proceeding to the Member Dashboards or Community Forums.

Technology and Innovation Professionals Community

Technology & Innovation Professionals

The purpose of the Technology and Innovation Professionals Community is to assist and encourage the botanical garden community to leverage digital technology and innovations to support and strengthen the goals of organizations.

Emerging Professionals Community

Emerging Professionals

The Emerging Professional Community provides networking, career development, continuing education, and training resources for those who are entering, reentering, or changing careers in fields related to public gardening.

International Gardens

International Gardens

The membership of American Public Gardens Association is becoming increasingly international, with an international Gardens winning the Garden Excellence Award in 2022.

Small Gardens Community

Small Gardens

The Small Gardens Professional Community provides a forum for sharing of information, experiences and relevant expertise about issues specific to small public gardens.

Finance & Operations Community

Finance & Operations

The Finance & Operations Community establishes a forum for Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operating Officers, and other operations professionals to get to know one another, share best practices, benchmark key features of particular interest to these roles, and collaborate and share ideas.

Guest Services Community

Guest Services

The Guest Services Community realizes that for a public garden or arboretum to thrive, we must deliver exceptional service. Attention must be devoted to the safety, needs, and expectations of the visiting public, as well as the fulfillment of the organization’s mission. This community establishes a forum where guest services professionals associated with public gardens and arboreta may become acquainted, share best practices, collaborate, and assist each other with guest services-related issues.

Professional Development Features

Learn more about these professional development features with these short video webinars:

“How to Use the Find Your Specialty Pages”

“How to Post in the Community Forums