Plant Protection Program Assistant

Serving as Plant Protection Program Assistant since February 2022, Joshua reviews and edits educational materials in Spanish for the Plant Heroes® youth education program.  He also translates social media posts into Spanish.  Plant Heroes® creates innovative resources to help public garden professionals, parents and teachers educate young learners about the importance of plants and to spark their curiosity in becoming agents of positive environmental change. 

Additionally, Joshua works as a Scientific Aid for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and as a garden educator for Congregation B’nai Israel in Sacramento in their organic community gardens. His previous professional experience includes leading habitat restoration in valley scrub and wetland ecosystems at The Wildlands Conservancy – Wind Wolves Preserve.  As a Peace Corps member, he also collaborated with community leaders and local agencies to improve environmental education, sustainable agriculture, and waste management strategies at a coastal town in Panama, Central America.  

Joshua holds a BS in Marine Science, formerly an Environmental Science concentration, and has over 10 years of formal classroom instruction in the Spanish in Mexico, California, and Panama. When not working he enjoys discovering hidden gems in natural areas and listening to podcasts. 

Jose Gallo