30 Irene Street

White Flower Farm is a family-owned nursery based in Connecticut where we grow hundreds of ornamental plant varieties and ship them to gardeners all over the country. Our mission is to help gardeners succeed by supplying top quality plant material, comprehensive cultural information, and superior customer service. Whether you are an experienced horticulturalist on the lookout for unusual cultivars, or a newcomer to gardening, we can help. White Flower Farm’s history dates back to the late 1930s when the company’s founders William Harris and Jane Grant moved to Connecticut and promptly caught the gardening bug. Before long their shared hobby had evolved into a small business, and by the early ’50s, White Flower Farm was regularly mailing catalogs and looked something like the company as it exists today. In 1976, Harris sold the company to its current owner, Eliot Wadsworth. Our staff now numbers several dozen, most of whom are professional or amateur horticulturalists. We are as committed as Harris & Grant were to doing right by White Flower Farm’s customers and we are immensely grateful for their continued support.


Lorraine Calder

Expertise and Services